Empower Your Cause with Simplified For NGOs

Effortless Tools to simplify, empower, and amplify your impact.

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Trusted by 1,000,000+ marketing teams, agencies, and freelancers. 10,000+ 5-star ratings.

Boost Your NGO's Reach with Simplified

Amplify Your Nonprofit's Mission, Connect with New Supporters, and Revolutionize Online Fundraising with Simplified

Create Videos That Inspires

  • Create compelling narratives about your mission and connect with your audience emotionally

  • Promote events, fundraisers, and campaigns through video to increase attendance and engagement

  • Compile footage from projects and testimonials from beneficiaries to demonstrate your achievements

  • Repurpose existing content, such as blog posts, into video format, and maximize your reach

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Empowering Your Message

  • AI generates social media posts, including captions, hashtags, and content ideas

  • AI creates content optimized for search engines, improving your NGO's visibility online and attracting organic traffic to your website

  • Craft engaging email campaigns and subject lines to improve open and click-through rates using AI

  • AI can help draft press releases and announcements

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Community Engagement Simplified

  • Simplify the creation, targeting, and monitoring of your ad campaigns

  • Schedule posts in advance, ensuring a consistent online presence even during non-working hours or holidays

  • Get insights into your audience's demographics, interests, and engagement behavior

  • Measure the performance of your social media campaigns, track key metrics, and make data-driven decisions

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Like the name the Software also very SIMPLE to use

Simple aspects of good content panels, including links to many valuable templates to create great content. It was a wonderful experience when I entered the program.

Ram Narayanan
How Simplified Saved My Small Business

The AI writer, the brand assets where you can add brand colors. I adore the templates, they're very interactive and so customizable I love it!

winner shoniran
Simplified is Awesome!

Well to quickly sum up if you are into design, social media advertising, writing blogs and so much more this program is for you. I am honestly stunned as to what it offers, too much to list here. Its great.

Annette Yeo
Awesome for content creation

Great for Content creation, and artificial intelligence creating blogs and other types of marketing concept it is very good to organize your posts as wellAnd in comparison to others, it definitely stands above

Natasha O'Brien

Design that Tells Your NGO's Story

In today's digital age, visual storytelling is a powerful tool for NGOs to convey their mission, evoke emotions, and engage their supporters effectively. Simplified's Design Editor empowers NGOs, regardless of their design experience, to create captivating visuals that leave a lasting impact.

Build Consistent Campaigns with Brandbook

Consistency in branding is vital for NGOs to establish trust, recognition, and a strong online presence. Simplified's Brand Book feature provides a comprehensive solution for NGOs to build and maintain a cohesive visual identity across all marketing materials.

AI Writer

Empower your NGO's message with our AI Writer

Subtitle Generators

AI Writer Empowers NGOs

AI Writer empowers NGOs to craft compelling messages effortlessly. Say goodbye to writer's block as you tap into AI-generated content that resonates with your audience. Save time, increase engagement, and inspire action with persuasive copywriting. AI Templates, Full Blog Writer, AI Blog CoPilot, and Long-Form Writer are your tools for impactful storytelling

Subtitle Generators

AI Templates

Simplify Content Creation: AI Templates offer 50+ marketing templates to generate social media copies, landing pages, and YouTube descriptions with AI assistance.

Subtitle Generators

Full Blog Writer

Fuel Blogging Success: Generate full blog content tailored to your needs within minutes, thanks to AI-powered assistance.

Subtitle Generators

AI Blog CoPilot

Collaborate with Ease: AI Blog CoPilot generates blogs with images, streamlining collaboration and content creation for your NGO.

Subtitle Generators

Long-Form Writer

Elevate Your Messaging: Use AI to create collaborative, media-rich documents, taking your copywriting for NGOs to the next level.

Subtitle Generators
Subtitle Generators
Subtitle Generator
Subtitle Generators
Subtitle Generator

Reach Wider Audiences
with Social Media Tool

Maximize the power of social media with Simplified.
Engage, inspire, and amplify your mission with these key benefits:

Broad Outreach

Amplify your message across platforms, expanding your reach and influence Social Media Publishing

Community Engagement

Forge deeper connections with supporters, fostering stronger relationships and loyalty with Social Inbox

Content Efficiency

Streamline content creation and scheduling, saving time and ensuring consistent messaging with Social Media Publishing

Impact Measurement

Track and showcase your achievements effectively, demonstrating the value of your NGO's work to the world

Apply for Nonprofits account

  • Fill out the application form

  • Our team will verify your eligibility

  • You’ll get an email confirmation

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I have no experience in design or copywriting?

Don't sweat it, we've got you covered! With hundreds of stunning customizable design templates as well as photo, video, and graphic assets, you'll never have to start from scratch again. You can feed our AI any words, phrases, or even websites you love, and it will have a one-of-kind copy ready for you in seconds!

Is there a free version of Simplified?

Yes! We have a Free Forever plan, which will stay free...forever. If you're an agency, freelancer, or team looking to use our essential features, this is the plan for you. Get unlimited design projects, 1000+ fonts, millions of photos, thousands of templates and icons, instant publishing, and 1GB of storage.

How does your pricing work?

Pricing starts at $0 for individuals and $30 for teams. Our pricing is based on two things: the number of team members on your plan and your billing period. We have four plans to choose from based on what you're looking for pricing compare!

How quickly can I get customer support?

Chat with us in-app or send us an email and we'll get back to you within 24 hours. We'd love to hear from you!

Ready to Simplify Your Social Media Strategy?

Manage your social media and save hours each week when you plan ahead

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