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Upload Videos Online Free-Start Uploading Your Videos in seconds!

Drag-and-Drop Videos

Quick Video Upload

Multiple Export Formats

Easy Video Upload

Upload Video Files

No credit card required

Simplify Content Creation, Upload Video Online In Seconds

Busy businesses, agencies, and teams can benefit from the free video upload service offered by Simplified. With this technology, you can upload video online free to an integrated artboard directly from Google Drive or your computer; this makes for a simpler workflow and saves time in the long run. Try it out today and take your small business, agency, or team to higher heights!

How to Quick Upload Video Online to Simplified

Open a project or start a new video project by clicking 'Create Videos' on your Dashboard.
Click the 'Media' button on the left toolbar to easily upload video online from your integrated Google Drive.
Or, click on videos from your desktop and drag-and-drop them onto your artboard.
Once you upload video online, then you're all set ! Edit , resize, crop, filter, animate , and add text or photos to your videos
Create Videos Today

Streamline Video Design for Your Team

Simplified makes it easy to create eye-catching videos, such as ads, announcements, and invites. All you need to do is quick video upload , which can be done effortlessly from the app. You don't have to worry about any video editing experience to upload video online- Simplified takes care of it for you. The app helps with a variety of custom videos that tell your story and get the message across effectively, you will be able to effectively boost engagement with your brand. The app makes it simple to create professional-looking videos for promotions and announcements. With our free app, you can access a wealth of free videos or upload video online free . Managing the free video upload is easy and versatile - you can reuse those videos whenever you want! Plus, no experience in video editing is necessary! Take advantage of our tailored videos that speak for your brand and get more engagement today.

Do More, Learn More With Simplified

Simplified blog is a great place to learn from the best in Instagram marketing. Whether you want to bulk up on social media knowledge or get your first followers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many videos can I upload?

Upload any number of videos up to 500MB in size to the Simplified app to use and reuse in your designs. Add them to your assets and to shared folders so colleagues can use them too, and replace or delete them anytime.

How do I get started using the Video Editor?

Getting started using Simplified's video editor is super easy. You can sign-up for a free forever account or choose from one of our many pricing plans. Once you've signed in, select "Create Videos", and choose from a variety of video formats and templates. Or, if you want to create your video from scratch, simply select the 'custom size' option, start designing using our media assets, or upload your own!

How can I make professional-looking videos if I'm a beginner?

Simplified was made to empower all creators with simple tools to create amazing stuff. Whether you're a beginner or an expert video creator, our platform gives you access to thousands of templates and a library of media assets like royalty-free videos, photos, graphics, gifs, fonts, and more, to help you get started creating at any time and any level. Plus, our intuitive video editing features give creators the ability to trim, splice, or cut videos with ease. No experience required!

Can I use Simplified's video editor on my mobile device?

Yes. You can use Simplified from your phone or tablet through our website Our mobile app should launch any day now, so stay tuned!

What is your refund policy?

We offer a Free Forever plan where our users can try Simplified's basic functionalities and make an informed decision. We do not offer refunds. If you're unsatisfied with your plan or need to change it, you can downgrade your plan or pause your subscription to avoid future charges. To learn more about our refund policy.

Get Your Time Back with Instant Video Uploads

Video editing is for everyone. Create videos faster with Simplified

Sign up and get started today

No credit card required

What Our 2 million+ Users Say About Simplified


Dany Goldraij

I started with Video

Easy to create a short video, with a lot of templates, images, and videos clips


Angie Spillman

Terrific Video Maker

The tools are simple to use. The video maker is awesome. Talk about saving time!! This AI program is a must-have for every video maker.


Ua Thenation

Expreince using simplified ai content generator and video creator

The simplicity of content generator, that assists in the content generator. You can generate and copy or add only what you what on the documents. Second, the video creation is user-friendly and flexible, you can adjust any picture or video and vector size. The quick assistance in creating quote.


Lovely Khatun

Video creations looks great

Simplified replaces all other content creation tools with its exciting features, but the video creation looks fun with Simplified. There are many templates that you can use to create different types of video content. I found all regular features in Simplified for making videos for your website, social media, or any other content. Simplified allows uploading own fonts but remember the font file should be in TTF or OTF format.


Imran Noor's: Professional Quality and User-Friendly Interface with Exceptional Customer Support

To provide top-notch video editing and animation tools with a simple user interface and a wide range of functionality. Also, when assistance is required, their customer support service responds quickly and helpfully, which is essential for content creators working under pressure or requiring direction.


Stephen Kelly

Simplified is powered packed. It gave me everything I need to market my company in one place.

I like the AI assistant, the graphics tools, and the video tools. It is quite easy to create market material quickly, whether it is video or graphic image.